Get Paid To Blog – 121 Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
I know that typically we talk about guest posting sites or how to guest post but I want to switch it up in this post. If you’re a freelance writer, especially if you’re just starting out, you’re probably constantly facing the hurdle of finding ways to get paid to blog. Getting paid as a writer is hard at first, especially when you don’t know where to find the good jobs or clients.
Go Beyond the Usual Freelance Sites
If your business hasn’t made a name for itself, a great way to get recognized (and get paid) is to write for other people’s blogs. There are a few mainstream sites like Elance, but we encourage you to go beyond the pale and explore some of the lesser known opportunities for writers.
In that vein, this is the ultimate list of blogs that pay writers for guest posts. In many cases you get an author bio or an author page, and sometimes you get to put links in it, which go to your own website or social media pages.
By-Line Information Included, Too
We’ve included that bio information for every opportunity, since besides pay, we know many writers are also interested in pushing their brand. Therefore, by-lines and author pages are a key value point in blog writing.
How to Use this Ultimate List
This list of paid blogs has been categorized, but only slightly so. That’s because in many instances, there is a lot of crossover. A lifestyle blog, for instance, may have a well-developed Technology section, and vice versa some Tech blogs feature general interest stories, too.
Done For You – Guest Post Service
Don’t feel like dealing with the writing, outreach, and publishing?
Check out our guest post service.
As of this writing, all payment and other information has been verified. In only a handful of cases on this list are there any “reported” payment data, and only then because the opportunity seems so great it hardly matters what the pay might be.
But otherwise, if we couldn’t verify what the blog pays on the blog itself, we left that opportunity off this list. We don’t want you wasting your time on hearsay!
We wouldn’t want you missing out on any opportunities, so check out each category carefully for your possible future blogging gig. Now let’s get started.
Also, we have an even bigger list (1000+) of blogs that accept guest posts (but they don’t pay you for them)
Business Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
B. Michelle Pippin
Michelle Pippin is for entrepreneurs, and as such offers posts on marketing, productivity, and ways to make money online. Yes, Ms. Pippin is selling something (and she’s very aggressively building an email list) but that doesn’t mean you can’t get paid for writing.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.bmichellepippin.com/get-paid-to-share-your-expertise-with-us/
- -Pay: $50 – $150
- -Author Page/Byline: no
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: no
This is a big-name business magazine that’s as well-known as it is authoritative and respected in the business world. Writing for Entrepreneur is resume-topper stuff, and it’s fantastic that they offer freelancers the chance to make a name for themselves.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.entrepreneur.com/page/236106
- -Pay: $1 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes, several!
Work Online Blog
As you can tell from the name, this site targets people trying to earn an income online. Therefore, topics range from resources and tips to commentary, as long as it’s interesting to people trying to leverage the Internet for their business. There are two formats: blog posts and lists, both of which must be 1500 words.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://workonlineblog.com/get-paid-to-write/
- -Pay: $50
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
eCommerce Insiders
For writers who have very specific ecommerce experience, eCommerce Insiders offers paid blogging spots. Topics cover online retailing, and can be commentary or educational. Submissions guidelines are specific, so pay close attention to those details before hitting the submit button.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://ecommerceinsiders.com/write/
- -Pay: $75 – $150 for 400 – 600+ words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Your Online Biz
This website aims to teach visitors about making money online, so article topics range from online marketing and lead generation to affiliate programs. It’s run by Darnell Jackson, who worked in corporate America in IT. He specializes in digital marketing.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://youronline.biz/guest-posts-wanted-100/
- -Pay: $100 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
Career/Education Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
The Change Agent
The Change Agents is both writer’s forum for adult learners and agent for social change. It was founded a while back with the idea of supporting the case for adult education when federal budget cuts made it seem funding would disappear forever. Now, it serves as inspiration for teachers and students to incorporate all kinds of social change into the adult education agenda.
Readership is by paid subscription only, and the online version of the magazine is available to members only.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://changeagent.nelrc.org/write-for-us/
- -Pay: $50 for 200-1000 words
- -Author Page/Byline: N/A
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
Back to College
For adults returning to college, the Back to College website pays for articles that speak to older college students. They like topics on helping the find the right program, career management, and what it’s like to re-enter the college scene as a non-traditional age student.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://back2college.com/guide.htm
- -Pay: $55 for original pieces/$27.50 for reprints 1000 – 1500+ words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Computer/Technology Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
Appstorm is a blog for and by software writers and users.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page : http://ipad.appstorm.net/about/write-for-us/
- -Pay: $60 but varies depending on the type of article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Developer Tutorials
This blog is for programmers and design people, and is meant to be a helpful resource for their trade. Thy like tutorials in CSS, Illustrator, Linux, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and Photoshop. They also take list-based articles.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.developertutorials.com/write-for-us/
- -Pay: They pay cash but it’s not specified on the website. Pay varies with quality and topic.
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, they are very big on helping their writers build a reputation.
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
This blog is for IT professionals who want premium content. They like articles on Windows 2000 administration, computer security, technical project management, guidelines, how-to’s and more. It’s got serious IT street cred, since it was started way back in 1999 by an actual IT professional.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://labmice.techtarget.com/submit.htm
- -Pay: $60 to $100 per article for 1000 to 1500 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Can’t tell
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Linode is a blog about Linode or Linodes, which are cloud servers. They publish many guides and tutorials. Submit through GitHub.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.linode.com/docs/linode-writers-guide/
- -Pay: $250 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, but minimal
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Compose, an IBM blog, needs writers who can write about databases. Write about how to use them, manage them, develop them and optimize them. In addition to getting paid, you also get $200 in Compose database credits, whatever those are.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.compose.io/write-stuff/
- -Pay: $200
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Tutorial Board
Love writing manuals and tutorials? Here’s your gig. They specialize in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect, Autodesk Maya, or other CG software. Write about how to do special effects, reviews, and more. The site is, however, covered with “make money from home” offers and ads for opportunities in binary options, so this might be going downhill, but they do pay nicely.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.tutorialboard.net/get-paid-to-write/
- -Pay: up to $150 per tutorial
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Fiction Blogs
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine
This magazine has been around since 1941 and continues to offer mystery writing to its fans, who subscribe to the print-only magazine featuring short mystery fiction.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page : https://www.themysteryplace.com/eqmm/guidelines/
- -Pay: $0.05 to $0.08 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A this is a print magazine
Fantasy Scroll Magazine
This is a fantasy and science fiction publication that comes out bi-monthly and also accepts horror, unlike many publications. However, they do not want gore.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://fantasyscrollmag.com/submissions/
- -Pay: $5 for microfiction and $10 for short stories
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Daily Science Fiction
Daily Science Fiction likes speculative fiction stories including fantasy, science fiction, slipstream and more. They sometimes take flash series, too, but what they really need is short fiction. No reprints accepted, no horror, and rarely is humor taken.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://dailysciencefiction.com/submit/story/guidelines
- -Pay: $0.08 per word and the possibility of more if they reprint your work in a themed anthology
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Carve Magazine
Carve Magazine is for fiction, nonfiction and poetry enthusiasts. They have both an online version and a handsomely bound print edition. Some stories are not published online but rather in the print edition only.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.carvezine.com/submit/#.UbdmxfkTwrU
- -Pay: $100 for fiction, $25 for poetry, $25 for nonfiction
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
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Asimov’s Science Fiction
This sci-fi magazine started out in 1977 and is very acclaimed in many writers’ circles. The guy who wrote Game of Thrones, the huge TV hit show, started his characters out in short publications in this magazine. It has won awards, as well.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.asimovs.com/contact-us/writers-guidelines/
- -Pay: $0.08 to $0.10 per word for short stories/ $0.08 per word over 7,500 words/$1 per line for poetry up to 40 lines
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
This is a venue for sci-fi, fantasy and horror short stories between 2000 and 8000 words. No stories based on TV shows, and no horror stories that don’t have a supernatural aspect to them.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page:
- -Pay: AUD $20 to AUD $60 per 1000 words, but sometimes lower if the article was unsolicited. No reprints
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
This is a science fiction, fantasy, and horror magazine out of Australia. It’s a print magazine sold around the world through Amazon as well as their website.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.andromedaspaceways.com/submissions-faq/
- -Pay: 1.25 cents per word (AUD) and minimum $20 AUD per piece for short fiction and AUD $10 per piece of poetry and flash fiction
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Analog is a print-only magazine for science fiction fans. For newbies, the good news is they love to find and develop fresh new writers who show promise.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.analogsf.com/information/submissions.shtml
- -Pay: $0.08 to $0.10 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
Abyss & Apex
There are few enough blogs that pay for fiction, and even fewer which pay for poetry. Abyss & Apex pays for both, as long as the quality is top notch. They do not accept horror, and state that they like speculative and imaginative fiction and poetry. They also like pieces that examine the range of emotions and which are extremely memorable.
On thing to keep in mind with A&A is that they take 60 days to pay.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.abyssapexzine.com/submissions/
- -Pay: $5.50 per poem, $0.06 per word for stories up to 1,250 words, flat fee of $75 for longer stories.
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Blue Mountain Arts
This is really a card company, but if you can write prose or poetry for greeting cards then you may be able to make some cash. No rhymed poetry, religious verse, or humor allowed- they are looking for prose or poetry that shows real insight into the emotions that people want to express to their friends and family in cards.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.sps.com/help/writers_guidelines.html
- -Pay: $300 per poem that goes into a syndicated greeting card and $50 if it goes into a book
- -Author Page/Byline: N/A
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
Done For You – Guest Post Service
Don’t feel like dealing with the writing, outreach, and publishing?
Check out our guest post service.
Flash Times
We thought we’d give all the fiction writers out there a chance to earn some money, too. Flash Times pays for short stories with of course great characters and fascinating plots. This site really does the authors a great service by allowing a huge, wonderful author page, where you can write all you want about yourself, plus submit a photo. Great marketing potential.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://flashfictiononline.com/main/submission-guidelines/
- -Pay: $0.02 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Family Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
Brain, Child
Brain, Child is a literary magazine of the highest caliber. They have a print magazine, a blog, and feature stories on their website and take around 20 articles per month. They hint at competitiveness by saying they enjoy taking submissions from established writers or authors.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.brainchildmag.com/about/writers-guidelines/
- -Pay : They pay “competitive” pay rates, but it’s not specified publically
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Alaska Parent
Alaska Parent likes stories about being a parent, plus local interest pieces that would be of interest to Alaska parents, seasonal pieces, travel, and how-to articles for families. The take three types of articles: feature stories (800-1200 words), short feature stories ( 500-800 words) and tips (150-600 words).
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.alaskaparent.com/write_for_us.html
- -Pay: Depends on complexity so is negotiated per article. Usually $40-$200 per article and $25 – $30 for reprints.
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Adoptive Families
If you have insight on what it’s like to adopt kids, and how to be good parents to adoptive kids, this may be your gig. From the decision to adopt to how to adopt to being an transracial adoptive family, many topics are accepted, including news, opinion, and personal stories.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.adoptivefamilies.com/about-us/writers-guidelines/
- -Pay: pay varies, but they warn they are a small magazine so don’t expect much
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Family Tree Magazine
This is an oldie but a goodie, and they take articles aimed at a broad audience written in a breezy style. Anything related to genealogy and researching your family history should be a good topic. They do not accept personal experience stories or specific family history articles. Writers should pitch a specific story.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.familytreemagazine.com/article/writersguidelines
- -Pay: they pay, but it’s not specified how much on their website
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
This is a parenting magazine for families in Southeast Michigan…is that niche enough for you?
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.metroparent.com/write-us/
- -Pay: $35 for reprints, $35 – $75 for articles, and $150 – $350 for features (1000 – 2000 words)
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Finance Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
The Penny Hoarder
This is an up-and-coming startup personal finance website with around 10 million visitors per month. The tone of the articles is upbeat, relaxed, and fun, and all about saving and earning money. Pay is good, and so is the potential traffic to your own website, which is made possible by the fact that they’ll publish your bio right at the bottom of your post with a link in it.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.thepennyhoarder.com/contributor-guidelines/
- -Pay: $75 for 700-900 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Doctor of Credit
This blog targets people who need help fixing their credit. The especially look for writers who are also lawyers, people who have a finger on the pulse of new credit cards.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.doctorofcredit.com/want-to-write-and-get-paid-for-doctor-of-credit/
- -Pay: $50 per post
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
This is a personal finance site for women. It was started in 2009 by a computer programmer who was so bad at personal finance that even her six-figure income wasn’t enough for her bad spending and saving habits. That should give you a good idea of the target audience.
You just email them if you want to write for them. And without a link to your own site/social media, the DailyWorth may not be worth as much as the other opportunities on our list.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.dailyworth.com/contact-us
- -Pay: not published, but they do pay
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
The Motley Fool
Everyone’s heard of this highly successful and famous finance blog. Expect competition to be fierce and indeed they don’t offer guest blogger spots per se…only a chance to apply to work for them under contract. The probationary period pays, even if you don’t eventually get hired. They have openings in other countries and other languages as well, so tell your international writer friends.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://careers.fool.com/openings/
- -Pay: $100 per article, more if you get hired
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Elite Personal Finance
This is another personal finance site focused on all micro-niches in the finance category (ie credit cards, home loans, identity theft etc). They are looking for writers that can write at least 1500 words per post and they have a super fast approval time. You usually get paid within 24 hours.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.elitepersonalfinance.com/write-for-us/
- -Pay: $100 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
General Interest/Lifestyle Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
Better Homes and Gardens
If you’d like to write for the best and the biggest, BHG does hire freelance writers for 10% of their material. They suggest a few certain topics which will increase the likelihood of your work getting accepted for publication. They are: health, parenting, travel, and education.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.bhg.com/bhg/file.jsp?item=/help/writersGuidelines
- -Pay: They pay based on length of the article, quality, and how important they gauge the article to be to their publication.
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Bless This List
Bless This List takes lots of topics, but you should write with a humorous bent to your style. They look for unusual stories told in list form. For example, from their site “15 Hilarious Celebrity Prom Pictures”.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.blessthislist.com/write-get-paid/
- -Pay: $100 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Belt Magazine
Belt Magazine is a general interest magazine, if you’re generally interested in the Rust Belt section of the USA, which is to say the industrial mid-west. The love longform journalism articles, and the publish in their print magazine as well.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://beltmag.com/contact-us/
- -Pay: yes, but it’s unspecified.
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
The Kernel
The Daily Dot has a Sunday magazine, which happens to be digital. Called The Kernel, they accept articles on anything from tech to religion. They publish 3 articles per week and they pay (although they don’t publish their rates), so expect there to be fierce competition.
They publish weekly themes for upcoming issues, so be sure to check those out before you pitch.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://kernelmag.dailydot.com/about/
- -Pay: Yes, but contact them for amounts.
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Gawker Media
Gawker is a news site, and they love reported stories and essays as well as personal essays of around 1200 words. They describe their style as “conversational journalism”. There are several websites that fall under the Gawker Media umbrella, too.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://gawker.com/about
- -Pay: they pay, but you must contact them personally to find out how much
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
The Mix
The Mix is really media giant Hearst, which publishes most of the famous print mags you’ve heard of (Esquire, Cosmopolitan, Country Living, Seventeen, the list goes on…).
To write for the online versions of those magazines, you go through The Mix. They hand out very specific assignments every day, and if your submission is chosen you get paid, although that’s a secret until you join them. They can do that: they’re Hearst.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://themix.hearst.com/
- -Pay: Yes, but join to find out
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes, but they are not hyperlinked
Eureka Street
This is an Australian site run by the Australian Jesuits, to promote Jesuit spirituality. All kinds of topics are covered, from politics to the environment, and readership extends beyond the Jesuit/Catholic community. They love analysis on politics, religion, or popular culture, and even accept posts on what it is to be human.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.eurekastreet.com.au/article.aspx?aeid=33927#.VyosqfmDGkr
- -Pay: $200 per post for 800 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
This website houses a massive collection of articles and stories on the human condition… so almost any topic goes. You can pitch to them, which generally means payment info is a secret. They are also pretty strict on format, if not topic. Just narratives, as their name implies.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://narrative.ly/contribute/
- -Pay: not published
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: just a list of posts by the author
ListVerse is a fun website covering any topic under the sun, as long as it’s presented in list form. So, instead of writing about how stupid people get hurt doing stupid things, for example, you’d write about “10 people who got hurt doing stupid things”. Totally fun, totally out there, and totally free as to your choice in topic.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://listverse.com/write-get-paid/
- -Pay: $100 per list post, which must be 1500+ words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, but it’s just a list of posts by the author
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
The Washington Post
A big name here, yes, but this is for a special section of their website called PostEverything. It’s billed as insights from the common people on the street, so anybody has a chance if they can write well.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/05/27/welcome-to-posteverything/
- -Pay: not published, but they do pay
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: social media only
You’ve probably run across Cracked and noted how funny and biting their articles can be. Therefore, you’d better be good if you want an article to get accepted by this cracker-jack website (sorry, couldn’t resist).
Even if this gig didn’t pay, it would be worth writing for them because of tall the potential traffic and recognition you could get from having something published on Cracked. Some articles have upwards of 700,000 views… on fire!
Cracked is known for its list-style comedy writing, so study their genre before submitting.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.cracked.com/write-for-cracked/
- -Pay: not published, but they do pay
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: yes, but they’re not hyperlinked
Upworthy was co-founded by a managing editor of The Onion. The editorial director used to work for the New York Times. In fact, each and every one of the executive team at Upworthy has similarly “worthy” credentials.
What they run is a digital magazine that claims to offer an alternative viewpoint on just about everything. Fitness, tech, business…they cover everything with original, unique, well-written articles by real writers.
That means, if you want to apply to write for them, you’d better be good. They pay around $200 for an article, and state that the most successful stories are 600 words or less. Pay varies, however, on research method and content.
Authors get an Author Page on the site, and they allow links to your social media pages.
There are bonuses if your article gets shared a lot or if it gets lots of traffic. These bonuses range from $15 to $1000.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.upworthy.com/pitch-us
- -Pay: $600 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
The Establishment
The Establishment is a magazine, and topics range from politics to the arts. Think original, reported stories that bring together a diverse set of viewpoints and perspectives that make you think. It’s sort of aimed at women, but men are welcome to submit, too.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.theestablishment.co/pitchus/
- -Pay: $125 for 800- 1500 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
If you are a NYC-ophile, then consider writing for this blog, which anything and everything New York City. Forget personal narratives, and think on-the-street interviews with the sort of fascinating characters that New York City is famous for.
Or consider writing about citywide issues like traffic or affordable housing. Either way, they like 500-1500 word articles.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://gothamist.submittable.com/submit/18730
- -Pay: Average of $100
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, but just a list of previous posts
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
BlogHer Publishing Network
BlogHer is now primarily an ad revenue opportunity. If you have your own woman-focused blog, you may apply to become part of the network. If you’re accepted, you place ads on your blog and earn income that way.
But once you’re part of the ad publishing network, you become eligible for other money making opportunities with the BlogHer website and the others in the SheKnows company, which include DailyMakeover, StyleCaster, and DrinksMixer.
These opportunities include reviewing books, reviewing products, and most importantly, having them syndicate one of your blog posts, for which you get $50. It should be noted that when you join the ad network, they have the right to run one your blog posts on their site. That will give you lots of traffic, but not necessarily syndication and money.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.blogher.com/marketplace/opportunities
- -Pay: Ad revenue, or $50 per post if they syndicate your post
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, for BlogHer bloggers
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
This magazine is truly an online magazine, in that it asks you to turn the pages with your mouse to read articles. They feature personal stories from people, as a way of fighting back against the tide of interest in celebrity lives. They promote compassion and the importance of the human connection, so as you might imagine topics cover a wide range of ideas and interests.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.essigmagazine.com/submit.html
- -Pay: $100
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Health Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
The American College of Health Care and Sciences Blog
This is the website of the ACHS, which is an online, fully accredited college for health programs. They’ve been around since 1978, which means their blog isn’t going to disappear anytime soon. Online education is HOT and growing hotter, so this might be a good one to attach yourself to if you plan on staying in the writing business for a while (job security).
As might be expected, the blog covers any and all health topics, especially if they have a holistic nature to them. Many of the bloggers are real health professionals, so keep that in mind before you waste a lot of time applying only to find out you’re under qualified.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.achs.edu/guest-blog-achs
- -Pay: $50 for 600-1000 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
This is a blog for people interested in IT, but just basic IT so you don’t have to be too technical. They hire writers for their email newsletter, which covers topics like computer tips and tech gadgets.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.worldstart.com/writers-guidelines/
- -Pay: $15 – $30 for 250 to 600 words, maximum length is 800 words, which pays $35
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Local Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
Arizona Highways
Arizona Highways is for attracting tourists to the state of Arizona, and comes out each month.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.arizonahighways.com/contact-us
- -Pay: Varies
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Canadian Gardening
If you know enough about gardening to choose a topic that hasn’t been done to death already, and you can apply your knowledge of Canada’s environment and terrain to gardening topics, then you might be in business.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page:
- -Pay: $125 to $350
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, just a byline
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
British Columbia Magazine
If you can write about British Columbia, that’s a start. But since the magazine is highly visual, you’ll have to come up with a stellar set of images that tell a story themselves, and weave your words around them. Issues are quarterly, so any news-worthy topics must be newsworthy months later too.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://cdn.agilitycms.com/british-columbia-magazine/guidelines/Sp13-Writers-Guidelines.pdf
- -Pay: $0.50 per word, and higher for complex research projects plus more if your images are used as well
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
East Bay Express
Writers who feel they have their fingers on the pulse of life in Berkeley, Oakland, and East Bay life may submit articles to the East Bay Express. They publish weekly and use lots of freelance work in their news, culture, arts, and music sections. They like local news covered in depth, not personal observations. However, they do not want dry coverage of dull news.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.eastbayexpress.com/oakland/WritersGuidelines/Page
- -Pay: $600 for 2500 to 4000 words (cover features) $120 to $240 for news stories
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Edible Seattle
Foodies and Seattle-philes are the target audience here, and Edible Seattle sells their publications at newsstands.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://edibleseattle.com/writers-guidelines/
- -Pay: they say “15-30 per word” but it’s unclear what that means
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Adirondack Life Magazine
For writers who know and love the Adirondack Mountains, this 40-year old magazine offers pay for articles for both its bimonthly magazine (print and online) as well is some special interest issues which come out twice a year. The special interest articles are usually how-to guides and where-to guides about things to do in the Adirondack Park.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.adirondacklifemag.com/blogs/magazine/writers-guidelines/
- -Pay: $0.30 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
1859 Oregon Magazine
Love the state of Oregon? Know a lot about the history or culture of Oregon? The 1859 Oregon Magazine is about all things Oregon, including anything from architecture to the local movers and shakers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.1859oregonmagazine.com/other/writers-guidelines
- -Pay: $0.30 to $0.50 per word for print copy, and web-only copy at a lower rate.
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Special Interest Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
Canter Magazine
Canter Magazine comes out four times per year and is for people who love horses. It’s a new magazine that likes to publish articles which are both literary and equestrian related. Even horse-related art is a fine topic, or for example the role of the horse in a particular time in history. Also, horse-related travel destinations and activities are fair game for topics, too. They do not, however, want articles on veterinary care, riding or training… this is not how-to but rather literary focused.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.cantermagazine.com/guidelines.asp
- -Pay: $25 for feature length articles and $10 for columns, and tips/bits are for $5
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A it’s a print journal
Capper’s Farmer
Capper’s Farmer has been around since 1879, covering all things rural, remembrances of the past, and reader connections.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.cappersfarmer.com/cappers/guidelines.aspx#axzz2xVbdTrB0
- -Pay: Pay varies depending on experience and expertise, and it’s negotiated on an individual basis min feedback her
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, a whole page with huge picture allowed, very nice.
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Backwoods Home Magazine
This is a very popular topic right now: survival and self-reliant living. If you can write about building your own home, country skills, crafts or any other old-fashioned types of topic, try this magazine.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.backwoodshome.com/docs/writerguidelines.html
- -Pay: $40 to $200 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Bird Talk
Bird Talk is a specialist magazine that’s very very niche: for owners of parrots, canaries, finches and doves…birds that talk. If you can supply helpful articles for the owners and fans of these birds, plus supply high quality images, and possibly even interviews, then they will pay you.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-magazines/bird-talk-2004-03-10-12850.aspx
- -Pay: $100 to $200 for 1000 words or less, and $300 to $400 for 1500-2500 words
- -Author Page/Byline: yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Craftbits offers sewing and knitting patterns and yarn info for enthusiasts.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://craftbits.com/write-for-us/
- -Pay: $35 per article but more may be negotiated if the project is more complex
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Catholic Digest
This magazine is aimed at people interested in the Catholic lifestyle but covers every area of interest from faith to food to travel.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.catholicdigest.com/writers_guidelines.html
- -Pay: $500 for 1500 words, $100 for 350-600 words, varies depending on topic
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No, although you can put a non-hyperlinked web address in your profile if you like
Cat Fancy
Writing about cats can bring you cash, especially if you represent a fresh voice on breeds, feline health, celebrities with cats, behavior training and lifestyle topics.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.catchannel.com/magazines/catfancy/writers_guidelines.aspx
- -Pay: They pay, but it’s not specified on their website
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Backpacker is all things hiking, like trails, gear, survival, news and more. It’s very well-known, big budget, and famous. Expect competition to be tough.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.backpacker.com/backpacker-contributor-s-guidelines
- -Pay: $0.40 to $1.00+ per word, depending on complexity of the article as well as the experience of the writer
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Bee Culture
The ultimate source for bee culture and knowledge, history and how-to is, believe it or not, continuously looking for written content for their publication. Even the history of beekeeping, bee-related humor, gardening and more. A third to half of their articles are from freelance writers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.beeculture.com/write-us/
- -Pay: $150 – $200 for 1500-2000 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Done For You – Guest Post Service
Don’t feel like dealing with the writing, outreach, and publishing?
Check out our guest post service.
Animal Wellness Magazine
This is a magazine for pet owners interested in raising pets naturally and holistically. They take articles from 500 to 1,500 words and like topics on physical health issues, emotional issues and even the spiritual well being of pets.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://animalwellnessmagazine.com/contact-us/submissions/
- -Pay: they pay, but they don’t say how much on their website
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
Early American Life
Early American Life is for readers interested in history, especially as life would have been lived in colonial America. They take articles on almost anything, as long as it’s about early America: architecture, history, crafts, and more.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.ealonline.com/editorial/guidelines.php
- -Pay: They pay, but it is not specified
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A it’s a print magazine
American Falconry
Since this is a nature-related website, articles submitted with good photographs have a better chance of being accepted for publication. This is a print magazine.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.americanfalconry.com/writersguidelines.html
- -Pay: starting at $100 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: There is an index of articles published online with author attribution
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
Ferrets Magazine
This is part of the Small Animal Channel network and pays for articles on a query-based format, meaning writers should send FERRETS magazine a query letter to find out what to write about.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.smallanimalchannel.com/media/critter-magazines/writer-guidelines.aspx.pdf
- -Pay: Yes but it’s not specified on their website
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: no
Additude Magazine
ADDitude Magazine is a publication for people who are concerned about attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities and other similar conditions. They accept articles for submission and pay according to experience and depth of the article.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/writers-guidelines.html
- -Pay: depends on experience
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: no
Earth Island Journal
Earth Island Journal is an international journal devoted to environmental concerns. From wildlife to innovation in science to public policy, almost anything is fair game.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/guidelines/
- -Pay: $0.25 per word for shorter pieces to $750 – $1000 for in-depth feature stories
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes but it’s just a list of posts
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Equine Journal
This is a small niche publication aimed at horse enthusiasts in the Northeast. It’s for amateurs and professionals alike, so the writing must be very well-informed. It comes out every month and contains feature articles as well as event write-ups, both of which may be written by freelancers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.equinejournal.com/about/editorial-guidelines
- -Pay: they pay, but it’s not specified on their website
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A it’s a print magazine. They do have a blog but the posts are not attributed
Eating Well
EatingWell covers a range of food and nutrition topics including diet and health and of course recipes.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.eatingwell.com/writers_guidelines
- -Pay: up to $1 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A it’s a print magazine
Funny Times
Funny Times is run by folks who have dedicated their working life to humor. They accept cartoons as well as funny stories. The catch: if you’re looking for online recognition or a link you will be disappointed because this is a print-only magazine. They do have a website, however, where visitors can read a sample issue or buy a subscription.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://funnytimes.com/about/submissions
- -Pay: $60 per funny story
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
This is a blog for Human Resource professionals. It’s a members-only website but their clients are Fortune 500 companies so your audience is made up of important business people… good exposure.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://w.iworkwell.com/smes/
- -Pay: $200 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Bete Noire Magazine
Bete Noire likes stories with strong characters set within a context of darkness, hence the name of the magazine. They accept horror, dark sci-fi, dark fantasy, crime, mystery… but do not especially love vampire-related stories.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.betenoiremagazine.com/magazineguidelines.htm
- -Pay: $10 for each piece
- -Author Page/Byline: Not sure
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Not sure
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
This is a “second world” fiction magazine of short stories, also known as literary adventure fantasy (think Lord of the Rings). Study the submission guidelines carefully before you submit, since there are quite a few rules and standards put into place for their writers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page : http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/submissions/
- -Pay: $0.06 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Poker writers, here’s your chance to get published. TwoPlusTwo is an internet magazine for poker fans. They especially like articles on poker strategy (hand analysis), discussion of poker or gambling math, interviews, and (sometimes) fiction.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.twoplustwo.com/magazine/contribute.php
- -Pay: $200 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Pretty Designs
For fashion writers, it’s a tough market out there. Pretty Designs pays, and takes topics on tattoos, food, nails, and other girlie subjects.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.prettydesigns.com/hiring/
- -Pay: Yes, but not specified
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes but it’s only a list of posts
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
This is a blog for the theatre community. They like essays of 1500 – 2000 words, blog posts of around 750-1000 words, and show reviews of 1000- 1500 words. They feature week-long curated blog series that focus on a different topic each week. You can propose your own series with a team of proposed writers, if you like.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://howlround.com/participate
- -Pay: $50 to $150
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
You guessed it: a blog for knitters. It’s going to be hard to fake this one, so knitters, take note! This is your exclusive domain! Be warned: they want you to describe a pattern… as in a knitting tutorial. Other things you can write about would include strange types of knitting cultures and knitting history.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.knitty.com/subguide.php
- -Pay: $120 – $200
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
The theme here is sci-fi media. Games, movies, comics, you name it, especially if it’s in any way about or from Japan.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.dorkly.com/static/write-for-us
- -Pay: $35 to $75 and $25 to $35 for a picture gallery
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: yes – social media
Refinery29 covers life for fashionable young women, but they have a politics section so topics vary widely, and include tech, diet, news, and health. Plus, it’s a well-known blog with very catch headlines that’s oh so fun to write for.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.refinery29.com/2014/04/66412/writing-for-r29
- -Pay: Yes they pay, but it’s unpublished
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, with big picture and twitter handle
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Nope
The International Wine Accessories Blog (IWA Wine Blog)
This blog is for people who want to learn about wine and storing wine. Know how to choose a wine cellar? This is your platform. Seriously, they want articles about wine cellars and cooling equipment, above all else!
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://blog.iwawine.com/iwa-contributor-guidelines/
- -Pay: $50
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
The Toast
This is a site for women and women’s issues, and they accept pitches. Pay is unpublished, but you discuss it as part of your pitch. They are very up front in telling would-be authors that they are not interested in poetry about bad breakups, being young & disgruntled, or blood.
What they do want is long-form journalism and original reporting. They will take poetry, short fiction, and essays as well. Not sure where the boundaries lie between what type of poetry they take or won’t take.
The-toast.net is prolific, so chances are they are looking for a lot of writers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://the-toast.net/submit/
- -Pay: negotiated
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Scary Mommy
Scary Mommy started out as a small mom blog but was acquired by a media company and now pays for article submissions. Their theme is “parenting doesn’t have to be perfect”. Topics are anything parenting, including pregnancy to empty nest.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.scarymommy.com/write-for-scary-mommy/
- -Pay: $100
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Lies About Parenting
Lies About Parenting is a slickly-marketed parenting blog that’s so popular they often close their submission desk down. Never fear, however, they do occasionally open article submission back up.
They have strict quality guidelines, and warn writers that their articles will be heavily edited, cut, or critiqued. They have put out a general call for catchy headline-type articles.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://liesaboutparenting.com/about-page/write-for-us/
- -Pay: $50
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
A Fine Parent
A parenting blog, what more is there to say. They like articles which offer actionable tips, supported by personal anecdotes and references.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://afineparent.com/write
- -Pay: $100
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
XoJane is for women, and publishes personal stories that are honest, surprising engaging, and entertaining. They love “unpopular opinion” pieces, but they are not as they say “snarky” but rather uplifting and positive.
You can write about the zany things that happen to you (“it happened to me – IHTM), fashion, food, diets, fitness, sex, beauty, or booze.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.xojane.com/page/xojane-pitching-guidelines
- -Pay: not published but they do opay
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
The New York Times
The New York Times has a special section called Modern Love, a column with reader-submitted essays on love. Who cares what they pay, it’s the New York Times! (But they do pay).
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/21/fashion/howtosubmit_modernlove.html?_r=1
- -Pay: not published, but rumored to be around $200 for 1500-1700 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Yes, it’s THAT Cosmo- the famous print magazine. They take submissions about the college life, even if you didn’t go to college. Obviously the target audience is college-age girls. If they like your article you may get to write more for them.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=P%2bTI3UALB1rlCBgvlYElag%3d%3d
- -Pay: $100 for 800 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Want to get paid to blog?
Sign up to see if your site qualifies.
Run by Disney, this is a parenting blog that also extends into the travel, beauty, food, and entertainment topics.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.babble.com/write-for-babble/
- -Pay: unpublished, but rumored to be over $100
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Travel Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
An online news and general interest site for expats in Europe, aimed at bringing the international community closer. Topics are all over the place so go wild with this one. They are really pushing their expat dating service.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.expatica.com/editorial-policy.html
- -Pay: write to them and negotiate
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No.
Great Escape Publishing
There are two websites for this company, one of which is thephotographerslife.com. Both cover ways to earn a living while traveling, whether it’s by photography, blogging, creating your own tours, or import/export.
The especially love personal success stories from people who’ve earned a living abroad… essentially getting paid to travel.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.greatescapepublishing.com/writers-guidelines/
- -Pay: $50 – $75 for requested articles, $100 – $150 for interviews, $150 – $200 for articles on earning an income with valuable advice
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
This is an old-school company with a real, print magazine that circulates in the offline world. As such, they pay a lot for their articles, although the exact amount is unpublished.
Topics range from DIY walking tours to budget-friendly ways to see the world. The byline alone is worth a lot!
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.budgettravel.com/contact-us/
- -Pay: not published but they do pay
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Write Naked
Writers writing about being writers, that’s what this site offers. If you have some writing in you covering publishing trends, day-in-the-life of a writer, self-publishing or interviews, here’s your chance to get paid for it.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://writenaked.net/guest-blog-writers/
- -Pay: $50 for 450 – 650 words, and $200 if you impress the editor
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
The Write Life
Sometimes a bi-line with some links is all you get, but that’s worth quite a bit if you’re a writer. The Write Life is for writers who want to make a living writing, but they don’t pay their guest writers. If you have something to say about making money writing, they may take your post and you’ll get a nice byline with links.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://thewritelife.com/write-for-us/
- -Pay: not usually
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
The Viator travel blog is for planning trips and ultimately booking travel. They do not take advertising so the site is pleasant to navigate, and therefore popular with readers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://travelblog.viator.com/contact-viator/write-for-us/
- -Pay: $100 – $150 for 1000 to 2000 words
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: no
Done For You – Guest Post Service
Don’t feel like dealing with the writing, outreach, and publishing?
Check out our guest post service.
Boots ‘n All
This is an indie travel site that accepts pitches for very specific ideas. They are very much into local info, first-hand experiences (of course), mental and spiritual growth, private transformation over social status, pack light, keep it simple, and slow down.
Articles focusing on the political and cultural context of your travels will do well, as will local political, environmental, and economic contexts of your adventures.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.bootsnall.com/writers
- -Pay: $50 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Matador Network
Matador Network wants adventure and travel writing, plus photos and videos if you have them.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://matadornetwork.com/content/contributors-and-job-applicants/
- -Pay: $40 per article
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
International Living
This is a website for expats, written by expats. Unlike many of the other blogs on this list, they encourage personal stories from the first person perspective. They want personal stories about what it’s like to live abroad.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://internationalliving.com/about-il/write-for-il/
- -Pay: $75
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Web Design & Development Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
Graphic Design School
Write about design software and tutorials in Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign, plus open source design or utility software. The site offers a graphic design course, so the blog is student-focused.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.thegraphicdesignschool.com/blog/write/
- -Pay: $100 to $200
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Photoshop Tutorials
Are you a Photoshop wiz, full of neat tricks and tips for creating stunning effects with the software? If you can write, then their tutorials pay pretty good money. Actually, the quick tips are where it’s at, so check them out. They seem to specialize in trendy effects that make photos good enough for websites.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.photoshoptutorials.ws/money-photoshop/#
- -Pay: $50 for quick tips and $150 to $300 for full tutorials and $25 to $50 for articles
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No, it’s just a list of posts by the author
Income Diary
If you mainly need brand exposure for your writing business or your name, and can write about making websites (including making money online), Income Diary is a good option. The will pay some authors for exceptionally good work, and if you are a professional writer they encourage you to approach them with your work and your regular rates.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.incomediary.com/write-for-incomediary
- -Pay: not usually but sometimes
- -Author Page/Byline: yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: no
Easy pickins’, it would seem, for WordPress experts. Here’s yet another WordPress blog, which includes hosting articles as well. They review hosting companies, which can seem boring but hey, it pays. We just don’t know how much.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://webloggerz.com/write-for-us/
- -Pay: Yes, but it’s unspecified. For 1200+ word articles
- -Author Page/Byline: no
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: no
Slick WP
Got lots to say about WordPress (WP)? Or how about the Genesis Theme Framework? Then here’s your blog. Posts must be between 1250 and 2000 words, and you should include images and code snippets.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://slickwp.com/write-for-us
- -Pay: $100
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
This is a blog for IT professionals so topics are things like Palo Alto Networks, Check Point firewalls, F5 load balancers, whatever those are. Not sure either? Then this gig isn’t for you!
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.indeni.com/get-paid-to-write/
- -Pay: $200
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
A List Apart
Know a lot about coding, design, or other topics of interest to people who make websites, and can write well? A List Apart offers you a platform for your talent.
They’re known for having a pretty specific and tricky format that’s hard to get used to, but they do promise to help you get through it to get a post published, if it’s good enough. Expect rounds and rounds of revisions and feedback from an entire team of editors.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://alistapart.com/about/contribute
- -Pay: $50 for 500-600 words, $100 for up to 1500 words, and $200 for up to 2500 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
WPHub is a WordPress site covering trends, tips, concepts, and plugin/theme development, all centered around WordPress. They do not want reviews of themes or plugins, basic how-to guides, or articles on upcoming features of WordPress.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: https://www.wphub.com/write-for-us/
- -Pay: $100 to $200 per article for 800 to 1200 words
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Another WordPress blog for aficionados who know the backend stuff of this ubiquitous blog platform software. They take articles on web design and development, too, as well as entrepreneurship productivity. Interesting to note that this is a reseller of content: they market your articles to businesses who want WordPress-related content for their blog.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://wordcandy.co/were-hiring/
- -Pay: $.06 per word
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
TutsPlus stands for tutorials plus, and is a part of the Envato family. Envato includes several websites that sell services and products to web developers, like PhotoDune for example.
The cool thing about TutsPlus is that you can create a tutorial OR a course, and courses are podcasts. Their tutorials are spread across several subdomains as follows, each accepting articles and tutorials of slightly different topics:
- -CGI TutsPlus: Tutorials and articles on CGI. More info: http://cgi.tutsplus.com
- -Design TutsPlus: They love articles on Adobe Illustrator, from tips to long articles. More info: : http://design.tutsplus.com
- -Web Design TutsPlus: write about web graphics, layout, website design, and design theory. More info: : http://webdesign.tutsplus.com
- -PSD Tuts Plus: Anything on Adobe Photoshop will be appreciated, as well as CS5, especially if you can do step-by-step for techniques. You can also write about illustration, or other related topics. More info: http://psd.tutsplus.com
- -Photography: write about both photography and Photoshop tutorials. More info: http://photography.tutsplus.com
- -Music & Audio TutsPlus: write about audio productions, music, or software for audio creation. More info: http://music.tutsplus.com/
For all the above websites, there is one single application and info page for writers:
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://tutsplus.com/teach
- -Pay: not published
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Six Revisions
Six Revisions is a specialty blog for and about web designers and web developers, especially those who build apps. It’s now eight years old, and accepts articles, tutorials, guides, and news. All articles on the site are attributed to owner Jacob Gube, so you won’t build a name for yourself, but you might make some extra cash for ghost writing.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://sixrevisions.com/contact/
- -Pay: Not published
- -Author Page/Byline: No
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: N/A
Writers & Writing Blogs That Pay For Guest Posts
Wow-Women on Writing
This blog is for facilitating communication between women writers and the professionals who matter to them, like editors and publishers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://wow-womenonwriting.com/contact.php
- -Pay: $50 – $150 depending on which type of article you write
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Funds for Writers
This site is for writers, and offers up tips from the business end of things. It’s not a blog about writing (grammar tips or how to write), but rather how to become a writer and make money. They like uplifting, even humorous articles, probably to keep readers motivated to come back!
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://fundsforwriters.com/submissions/
- -Pay: $50 for original articles/$15 for reprints
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
Be A Freelance Blogger
This site is mainly for writers who want to get published, but there are paid opportunities as well, in the form of a contest. They call it “Pitchfest”, which is run four times per year. The winning pitch gets $100 and runners-up get $50. Otherwise, what you get is feedback on your pitch, editing advice, a recommendation on LinkedIn, and promotion to the blog audience.
Topics are anything which will help out fellow freelance bloggers like yourself. This includes freelance advice and general business entrepreneurial tips.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://beafreelanceblogger.com/guest-blogging-guidelines/
- -Pay: $100 or $50 if you win Pitchfest
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: Yes
This is a marketing site for writers, run by Angela How, who also runs BookLocker.com, an ebook publishing company. Articles are about making money writing from home, and are categorized into Feature Articles and Freelance Success Stories, which pay different (see below).
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://writersweekly.com/writersweekly-com-writers-guidelines
- -Pay: $60 for around 600 words, for exclusive rights/$40 for reprints. $40 for freelance success stories/$20 for reprints (400 words)
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Make A Living Writing
This lady has been running a website helping writers, and maintains her own list of blog in addition to paying writers to write for her. The topic, of course, is writing, so basically you’re writing what you know, as a resource for other freelance writers.
- -Apply/Pitch/Submit Page: http://www.makealivingwriting.com/why-i-pay-writers/
- -Pay: $50, and $75- $100 for longer, assigned posts
- -Author Page/Byline: Yes, but it’s just a list of posts by that author
- -Links allowed in Author Page/Byline: No
Other Guest Blogging Sites
One of the most time consuming and difficult parts of guest posting (apart from writing amazing articles) is finding the right guest blogging sites to guest post on, and then going through the process of getting your guest post approved on their blog.
Because I do SEO for clients every single day I struggled through the same issue. I needed a good list that I could work from. I spent many many hours putting together an extensive list of blogs that accept guest posts in pretty much every category.
I had friends in the SEO industry beg to share the list with them which I finally did.
I decided to make the list available to anyone who is serious about building their brand through guest posting.
So I created Guest Post Tracker.
It is my (always updated) list of blogs that will accept your guest posts which you can search by category.
It also keeps track of all your submissions so you know exactly which blogs you have submitted to.
I do charge a very small fee to access the list. This is to keep the blog owners from being slammed with thousands of requests, and so I can afford to keep the list awesome and updated. I’ve spent hundreds of hours creating this list and building the tracking software and I’ve tried to make it affordable enough for everyone.
I also have built some awesome software to not only track submissions, but also to help you use guest posts to optimize your site for any key phrase.
Once you join, I also have video tutorials that teach you how to use blogger outreach to dominate the search results. I show you some pretty sneaky tactics that force other blogs to pass maximum link juice to your site.
Give it a try.