Top 10 Ways Guest Blogging Can Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy
Are you looking for ways to boost traffic to your blog? If you have been blogging for a while you are probably familiar with guest blogging. For those new to blogging it may be worth exploring.
Building a marketing strategy is important for your blog’s success. Doing guest posts is two-fold. Allowing guests on your site is a great way to gain new traffic. Doing a guest post gives you exposure to a wider audience and highlights your expertise.
Featuring guest bloggers takes a certain level of confidence. Some bloggers may fear losing a portion of their audience. There is little evidence of this. If anything, you will gain new followers suivant.
Continue reading for 10 ways guest blogging can help your content marketing strategy.
1. Understand Guest Blogging?
Guest blogging is a part of your content marketing strategy. The goal is to build a bigger audience, grow a professional network and establish yourself as a reputable agent in your field.
You are allowing another blogger to write content for your blog in hopes of exposing their audience to your site.
When done correctly there are many benefits. In exchange, you should guest blog for others and place links back to your website.
2. Build Your Brand
Part of blogging is having a recognizable brand. Starting a blog requires dedication and strategy building tactics to create brand awareness.
There are things you can do for brand placement. Start by having a unique logo, a simple but catchy web address, and social media business pages.
Your brand name needs to crossover to everything that reverts back to you. A good way to test your brand name is by running it through KnowEm. The app checks for brands, products, personal names and more.
3. Become a Subject Matter Expert
The purpose of blogging is to show your expertise in a particular subject or multiple subjects. If you have a limited audience, it is hard to get the recognition you deserve.
Being a guest blogger on multiple related sites will help grow your reputation in the industry you are writing about.
This strategy building technique can take time, but it has other immediate benefits along the way. Be patient and market the guest blogs to your own audience.
4. Increase Your Social Media Presence
Content marketing and social media go hand in hand. Without content to share, your business social media presence would fade into the abyss.
With guest blogging you are creating new content that can be shared across your social media platforms. Include hashtags and links for the host sites social media. It will allow their followers to see there has been a guest post.
If they like your content and why wouldn’t they, it will increase the probability of shares, likes, and retweets.
5. Gain New Followers
Positive gains in new followers from your content marketing are a win. Most people will not follow someone who is not providing valuable content. However, gaining new followers is not the end game.
Once you have gotten someone to click the follow buttons on your blog or social media, the real work begins.
Your strategy building now turns to creating content to keep them engaged, and sharing your content.
6. Increase Your Post Shares
Once a guest blogger’s content is posted, it is important for both the site host and the blogger to share the blog. Ensure that the site you will be posting to has a good following and good interaction with guests.
Guest blogging on a site that has little to no traffic or comments means there will be minimal to no shares. Simply put, you will be wasting your time.
Things to ask the host include, where the blog will be shared, how often it will be shared and if there are any e-marketing capabilities. The more opportunity for shares, the greater the chance the content will be shared.
7. Increase Traffic to Your Website
If your guest blogging opportunities are successful, you will see increased traffic to your website. This traffic can come from numerous places.
Residual traffic is another sign of a successful implementation of your content marketing strategy. Think of it as the ripple effect. You throw a pebble into a lake and it cause ripples far from the point of impact.
This traffic coming to your website is a result of your efforts to reach your target audience. It is 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation traffic that can be attributed to your initial visitors.
In other words, your blog posts were so amazing that people shared it and more people shared it.
8. Improve Sales Conversion
Blogs are not always about blogging. They are also about earning revenue. Revenue is earned on blog sites by running Google Ads, affiliate marketing and/or selling brand content.
Regardless of the method you’re using to earn revenue, guest blogging can improve your sales conversion by bringing traffic to your site.
An extension of your guest posts should include building a marketing strategy that places emphasis on products or services being offered.
9. Become a Part of a Blogger Network
Your networking efforts should not be limited to finding blogging opportunities. Use this strategy to create or become a part of a network of bloggers.
This is a way to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are willing to share information. They may also be the opening you need to other blogging opportunities.
10. Build Credibility for Your Blog
Our last reason why guest blogging can aid your content marketing strategy is it cements you as a credible source of information.
They say you only get one chance to make a great first impression. With guest blogging, there are few do-overs. Present quality content and only accept the same onto your website.
Are you Ready to Host a Guest Blogger?
Now that you know how beneficial guest blogging can be to your site and your brand, are you ready to host a guest blogger?
Building a winning content marketing strategy is important to your success. Click here if you would like to submit your blog for inclusion to our list.